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RYCOTE Article no: RY065546

$16.10 $23


Micro Windjammer (30 Uses)

Product Code: 065546

In a very short time, HD video cameras have gotten smaller and less expensive. Yet the need to protect your camera’s audio from wind hasn’t changed. That’s why Rycote has developed the Micro Windjammer – to provide you portable camera’s audio with excellent wind protection.

The Micro Windjammer provides excellent wind isolation for HDSLR cameras that are commonly used outdoors for corporate video, reality TV, and documentary film. It’s also a perfect outdoor complement for handheld camcorders and integrated HD video cameras within mobile telephones and tablets, which are often used to generate content for video sharing websites, blogs and social media.

Rycote Product Catalogue

Rycote Product Catalogue 2023

All the details of the Rycote range of professional microphone windshields and shock mounts.

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